India Is Anonymous’ New Campaign Against Internet Censorship
Quoting Webpronews, “Anonymous is kind of like a global Batman that uses a computer instead of batarangs to fight what they perceive as injustice. “
The group “Anonymous” is attacking Indian websites now as a sign to protest againstInternet censorship in India. The latest victim of the attacks are the BJP and its websites. The group announced on its new Twitter account @opindia_back saying that and had been hacked.
The week before that it was the Congress and the Supreme Court website that were bought down in retaliation for India’s new Internet laws and the blocking of websites like The Pirate Bay and Vimeo.
Reliance has blocked these websites for its users after a John Doe order was obtained by Copyright Labs, Chennai, from the Madras High Court, for preventing piracy of Tamil Films Dammu and 3.
Anonymous’s initial Twitter account @OpIndia_Revenge was shut down and the group created a new one called opindia_back.
Anonymous has also announced protests in all major cities in India. The Mumbai event’s Facebook page reads, Occupy Mumbai #protest for internet freedom (File Sharing Websites Blocked). It goes on to say
Though I personally feel that hacking a government website is a rash step, but the Internet Censorshipis actually irritating.
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